June Update

June Update
Soon, you can become, the Night Chicken!


A. Outer Rim Uprising Itch Bundle

B. This Chicken Needs More Time in the Oven!

C. Big Corn on his hiiiiiip

D. Brief Personal Update

E. Cool Stuff

A. Outer Rim Uprising Itch Bundle

The digital files for Outer Rim Uprising are out now, including Josh Domanski and I's prison construction sabotage adventure, They Won't Cage Us. I'm really proud of this piece and think it's a wonderful one-shot.

If you would like to pick this adventure and the other excellent materials in the Outer Rim Uprising Bundle, we're having a sale on itch! You can find that here:

B. This Chicken Needs More Time in the Oven!

I was this close to releasing a demo version of my solo RPG, Night Chicken, last month, where you are a chicken who sneaks out of the coop at night to assassinate a pheasant who has been mean to you. You must quest outside of the barnyard, the only place you've known your entire life, and into the strange and dangerous wilds.

After further playtesting, the combat was unsatisfying! So I'm putting that one back in the oven and (likely) making the demo longer, too. Here's a very WIP preview of some of the location encounters:

C. Big Corn on his hiiiiiip

I've continued pecking away at Big Corn (lol.) I was able to work out the motivations of the largest faction and their connection to the River Goddess who lifted the town from our reality. It's a hurdle I'm happy to have found a way to leap over. Of course, now, I need to transcribe hand-written notes and edit my thoughts for consistency, which has me screaming, crying, rolling around on the floor, and throwing up.

Here's a partial snapshot of the history of the village in Big Corn:

Strongly parallel to the actual history of the inspiration for the town of Amberbury in Big Corn- Brownville, NE

D. Brief Personal Update

2024 has been, in a word, bad. There are many things I'd like to be working on and releasing, and I don't have it in me. I want to keep doing Solo Play Reports and work on my odd little projects but... yuck! Take care of yourselves. Tell your friends you love them. Tell your pets they love you. Whisper threats at a bird, especially if it is a Starling. Consider how cool it would be to be your favorite sea creature. Consider learning a musical instrument and then don't. Eat fresh corn if/when it is in season in your area.

E. Cool Stuff

Hey, thanks for sticking with me through that. Here's some cool stuff I've been into or that's been going on.

The Liminal Horror Twisted Classics Jam:

The Twisted Classics Jam is a very cool concept in which you take a concept from an old adventure, movie, or other source and spin it into your own thing!

Liminal Horror Twisted Classics Jam
A game jam from 2024-05-14 to 2024-08-15 hosted by Goblin Archives. Twisted Classics Jam Celebrating the launch of The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow (A continuación se incluye la versión española de Jam.) Twisted…

The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow for Liminal Horror

This is a module I've been looking forward to since I heard about it. It's a twisted classic of Against the Cult of the Reptile God (which I never would have guessed on my own.) I love this concept and the bugs therein, and it has some of the coolest art I've seen. Check them out on Backerkit and grab a copy.

The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow for Liminal Horror
The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow is a sandbox investigation for Liminal Horror.

Solium Infernum

From the store page: "Satan's mysteriously vanished, and Hell is in an uproar. Play as one of eight all-powerful and menacing Archfiends and indulge your Machiavellian dark side. Command legions, enlist champions, cast sinister rituals, and trick, rob, and insult your rivals to be crowned Hell’s new Dark Majesty."

This game has been a great consistency in my life this year. Fairly easy to learn but also has quite a bit of depth to it. There's a character DLC, but otherwise, this game is out of active development due to this studio going into hibernation 😦

The asynchronous play makes it well worth the price. If you want to play, I'd be happy to join a game.

Solium Infernum on Steam
Take the Infernal Throne in this hellish turn-based grand strategy game. The Prince of Darkness has vanished, leaving Archfiends to conspire: muster your legions while intoning dark sorceries, devilish schemes, and machiavellian plots. Who will be the new ruler of Hell and ascend the Throne?