Looking Back and Forward

Looking Back  and Forward


A. New Newsletter

B. Looking Back at 2023 for TO Games

B. Looking Forward to 2024

C. TTRPG Stuff I Loved This Year

D. What else has been cool?

A. New Newsletter

I moved my newsletter to Ghost! If you're not okay with being migrated over, please unsubscribe. I'll keep my old posts up on Substack for now and likely repost them later

B. Looking Back at 2023

Big Corn

My D23 project for Liminal Horror! You become trapped in a town sealed in a pocket dimension. Various factions have various feelings about this! You can read a bit more here:

Big Corn: A Dungeon23 project for Liminal Horror by Tim Obermueller
An American Midwestern town has trapped itself in a pocket dimension
Main Street South of Amberbury


Funded and printed Hoss last year and got to work with some great folks to make it. My largest project in terms of SKUs but the shortest adventure I've written so far. Logan and I are really proud of it.

You can pick it up here:

Hoss, compatible with the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG by Tim Obermueller
Hoss liberated his planet from it corporate overlord years ago, but at what cost?

Outer Rim Uprising

I got to be a part of the Outer Rim Uprising bundle! It was wonderful to be a part of this with so many talented designers. I wrote an adventure called They Won't Cage Us, where you work to sabotage a prison construction project in your system. Josh Domanski did the art and layout, with Iko doing development and Christian Sorrell editing. It's one of my favorites I've made and you still have time to pick up the bundle.

You can pick it up as a late backer here:

Pre-order Outer Rim: Uprising on BackerKit
Rebellious bundle for the Sci-Fi horror tabletop RPG Mothership

The “Oh don’t worry, the busy time will let up” that still hasn’t let up

I've been full-throttle busy at my day job since May 2023, and it hasn't slowed until now! I'd hoped to release some smaller games and supplements this past year but haven't had the time to work on them. This was the most frustrating part of my year.

Oh, Bring Us Some Figgy Pudding

I made a silly game based on a Christmas carol that I hope you'll enjoy. I wrote this in about 3 hours one afternoon, and it felt nice to make something again.

You can check it out here:

Oh, Bring Us Some Figgy Pudding! by Tim Obermueller
Over seven nights, you are trying to defend your figgy pudding from increasingly hostile carolers.

C. Looking Forward to 2024

Undisclosed Project

Not much I can say about this project at this time! Maybe keep your eyes peeled for approximately September.

Big Corn

Hoping to make a lot of progress on Big Corn this year. Going to round out some maps and get something workable out there.

Smaller Projects?

There are a couple of smaller projects I'd like to get done this year as well. In particular, "We've Been Trying to Reach You," a PC curse and side quest for Liminal Horror. Here's the beginnings of the curse (be advised, abusive language & invasion of privacy)

There's also Night Chicken, a solo RPG wherein you are a chicken who sets out to assassinate a pheasant who was mean to you. I'm really proud of the stats for this:

That's all for now, but more to come soon!
